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SmartScale For Litter-Robot 4

Introducing SmartScale® for Litter-Robot 4 Available late August 2023 SmartScale® is a feature that will allow you to track weight data for individual cats on the Whisker App. How does it work? First, ensure you have created Pet Profiles and entered those pets’ weights in their profiles. Once you receive the update, over 30 days SmartScale® […]
Date Published: August 9, 2023

Troubleshooting For Litter-Robot 3 Open Air Blue Flashing Light/Fast Flashing Yellow

So you have an issue with your amazing Litter-Robot III Open Air? See if the following helps you out! As a quick fix to use your Litter-Robot 3 manually, remove the bonnet, and lift and rotate the globe, mimicking the normal rotation to sieve any deposits for you. Please take note of the colour of light […]
Date Published: August 2, 2023

5 Reasons Cats Stop Using A Litter Box

Owning an adorable four-legged fur-ball is a joy in itself. Felines are thought to be low maintenance pets that can be left alone at home for hours. Cats – as pets- are the best choice for people who have a busy lifestyle because they can act independently for themselves. However, as a cat owner, you […]
Date Published: June 11, 2022

Auto Pets: Ensuring Pet Owners Never Scoop Again

What happens when you ask an engineer to scoop the litter box? Brad Baxter, who in the late ’90s was a Michigan-based automotive engineer, had just inherited two cats and suddenly found himself responsible for daily maintenance—including the not-so glamorous job of cleaning the litter box. He immediately determined there had to be a better […]
Date Published: June 11, 2022

Battery Backup for Peace of Mind

Whilst we did not initially think this item was worthwhile importing as an accessory for the  Litter-Robot, it has come to light that large parts of Australia do get the dreaded brownouts in summer, and unexpected power interruptions, more often than the West. The battery backup is ideal for these issues, as it is permanently […]
Date Published: June 10, 2022

Setting The Cat Sensor

If your Litter-Robot Open Air is not registering your cat, you may need to fine tune the cat sensor. Its recommended to do from time to time, particularly when adding or topping up more litter, and if you change the litter, or do a deep clean/empty the litter and re-fill. Its really easy to fine tune. The […]
Date Published: April 12, 2017

Superior Clay Clumping Cat Litter

Cat Evolution Cat Litter will revolutionize the task of cleaning up after your cat, and return your living space to pet-odour free enjoyment
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Litter-Robot 3 Connect

Never scoop again with the highest-rated WiFi-enabled, automatic, self-cleaning litter box for cats. Since 2000, 1 million happy pet parents have upgraded to the Litter-Robot!
Shop Litter Robot 3 >

Litter-Robot 4

Never scoop again with Litter-Robot 4: The smartest, quietest, highest-rated WIFI-enabled, self-cleaning litter box for cats. Add a Carpet Tray to use Litter-Robot 4 on any surface.
Shop Litter Robot 4 >
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